Average Basingstoke & Deane estate agents fee costs £4,451

HaMuch is Excellent

Estate Agent's fee near Basingstoke & Deane

The average price of a property in Basingstoke & Deane is £370,909. If an estate agent in Basingstoke & Deane is charging 1.2% commission, the total estate agent fee will be £4,451

Comparing commission rates of estate agents in Basingstoke & Deane when you are selling your home helps you keep within budget and avoid high costs.

Simply enter your house details and the estate agents in Basingstoke & Deane will reply with their commission fees.

Estate Agent's near Basingstoke & Deane

See table for all Estate Agent rates in Basingstoke & Deane

Residential Property Management Residential Lettings Residential Sales

Residential Sales Land and new homes

Rates for other Basingstoke & Deane trades