Pest control experts near Burnham-on-sea

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Jobs for Pest Control Experts near Burnham-on-sea

Large rat under my shed, seen numerous times in garden and behind water butts. Always dashes back under shed

Rats in attic, I live next door to a take away and despite putting traps and poison I have been unable to solve the problem long term. I require exclusion work and a removal of rats.

Rat dropping under sink, has chewed through pipework

Rats in garden underneath my decking please

Bees? We have a possible bees nest in a vent on the ground floor of our property

Mice in kitchen under the cupboard

Fleas in my 2 bedroom house

I want mice removing

Rats in kitchen think got dead rats as smell n flys

Mice. Seen in living room and went down a hole.

Mouse running in living room only saw one

Bad Flea infestation

Bad flea infestation

Bad infestation of fleas

Sending fool 18 broughton house Somerset street Radcliffe

Services offered by Pest Control Experts

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